Why Is Plumbing Maintenance Important for Homeowners?


Why Schedule Plumbing Maintenance? 

Spring cleaning usually includes a checklist for a reason. There are many things that homeowners have to remember to keep their homes in working order. When it comes to plumbing, a lot of homeowners run the risk of trouble because they neglect the plumbing system. Having a professional perform routine plumbing maintenance helps ensure it keeps operating properly. Here are a few benefits of professional plumbing maintenance to help homeowners understand the investment they should make in their plumbing. 

Keep Things Running Safely and Smoothly 

sinkRegular plumbing maintenance is a beneficial service that helps keep the plumbing system operating well. Preventative maintenance can go a long way toward preventing headaches from plumbing problems down the road because it helps keep the plumbing system operating smoothly and safely. 

When a homeowner calls for plumbing maintenance, there are several things plumbers will do to inspect the system, look for issues, and prevent problems. Some of the tasks done during plumbing maintenance are inspecting for issues like leaks, clogs, and corrosion, checking the water pressure, and performing water heater maintenance tasks such as draining and flushing the tank, inspecting the unit for issues, and checking the anode rod, replacing it when needed. These tasks aim to ensure the home’s plumbing is in good condition and safe from any potential hazards. With routine maintenance, homeowners can better enjoy their time at home instead of needing and paying for more frequent repairs. 

Prolong the Life of Plumbing Components 

Regular maintenance of the plumbing system also plays a crucial role in prolonging its lifespan, ensuring it remains in optimal condition and helping to avoid the need for premature replacement. By addressing minor issues promptly, such as leaks or blockages, and ensuring the system is inspected regularly, homeowners can significantly extend the longevity of their plumbing. 

When plumbing maintenance is neglected, components of the plumbing system can wear out faster. So, to protect the pipes, fixtures, and appliances, let plumbers perform plumbing maintenance routinely. This will greatly extend the life of these plumbing components and save money by preventing premature failure and costs associated with replacements.

Reduce Costs and Save Money

save money Replacement and repair bills are a common problem for homeowners. Just when everything seems to be going right and the budget is balanced, a plumbing problem can blindside homeowners. Another big cost associated with plumbing problems is repairing the damage that can occur, such as fixing water damage from a leak or burst pipe. Not only can plumbing repair and replacement be expensive, but if water damage occurs, the remediation and repair costs can be even more expensive. 

Allowing plumbers to perform maintenance tasks and look for problems early can reduce the risk of problems occurring, saving people money on replacement and repair bills and the associated costs of damage. In addition to these costs, plumbing problems and a lack of maintenance can run up water and utility bills. However, finding and fixing leaks during a maintenance visit will reduce water bills, and water heater maintenance allows the unit to run more efficiently, reducing energy bills.  

About Falcon Plumbing

Falcon Plumbing has over three decades of experience serving the Miami area. They offer personal attention, quality products and materials, and upfront pricing with no hidden fees. Call them for plumbing services in Miami, FL

Three Tips to Lower the Cost of Water Bills


Save Water and Keep Water Costs Low 

From the moment people turn on the tap to how outdoor spaces are maintained, daily tasks play a big role in a home’s water usage. Rising water bills can serve as a stark reminder of the importance of water conservation for homeowners’ wallets and the environment. This post will share some strategies to help households minimize their water usage and expenses. From simple habits like turning off the tap during certain tasks to investing in water-saving plumbing fixtures, each action contributes to savings. 

Turn Off the Tap and Water the Lawn More Efficiently

save water Conserving water is not only environmentally friendly but also beneficial for a homeowner’s budget. Simple habits like turning off the tap while brushing teeth or shaving can significantly reduce water consumption over time. Using the dishwasher when it’s full instead of hand-washing dishes can also save considerable amounts of water, as newer dishwashers are designed to use water efficiently.

When it comes to outdoor water use, timing is crucial for saving water. Avoid watering the yard during the middle of the day when the sun is intense and temperatures are high. Water evaporates faster during these times, meaning much of it won't reach the plants' roots, and more water will be needed to water the lawn and plants. Instead, people should water early in the morning or later in the evening when temperatures are cooler, allowing the water to penetrate the soil effectively, meaning less will need to be used. Additionally, installing an irrigation controller can reduce the amount of water the sprinkler system uses and allow the system to turn on and off automatically at the chosen time.

Have Water-Saving Plumbing Fixtures Installed 

Upgrading to water-saving plumbing fixtures can also significantly affect water consumption. Low-flow showerheads, water-saving toilets, and faucets are designed to use less water without sacrificing performance. For instance, low-flow showerheads can reduce water usage and save homeowners money but use aerating technology so the water pressure is as powerful as a conventional showerhead, providing a comfortable experience. 

These water-efficient fixtures not only conserve water but also help lower a household’s water bills without any changes in water usage or habits. There are also many types of these water-efficient plumbing fixtures, so homeowners still have many options to choose from. 

Look out for Water Leaks

leak Another way to save on water costs is to have any leaks fixed as soon as possible. Even minor leaks can add up to significant water waste and high water bills, so homeowners should be vigilant for signs of leaks, such as: 

  • Dripping taps when they are turned off
  • Damp spots on walls, floors, or ceilings
  • Unusually high water bills
  • Reduced water pressure from fixtures
  • The sound of running water or dripping noises 

If homeowners suspect a water leak, they should have it addressed promptly by a plumber who can perform water leak detection and repair, helping homeowners save water and money. By implementing these water-saving strategies, everyone can contribute to conservation efforts while enjoying lower water bills.

About Falcon Plumbing

Falcon Plumbing has been serving Miami and the surrounding areas since 1986. They provide personal attention, same-day or next-day service, and upfront pricing with no hidden fees. Call them for plumbing services in Miami, FL.  

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Signs That Indicate a Sewer Line Clog


How to Spot a Clogged Sewer Line 

Sewer line clogs can be a homeowner's nightmare, causing a range of unpleasant and potentially costly issues. Identifying the signs of a clogged sewer line early on and calling for professional drain cleaning services before more negative effects can occur can help prevent serious damage and the need for extensive repairs. Here are a few of the most common signs that a sewer line clog is present and some advice to deal with them. 

Gurgling Noises or Foul Odors 

bad smellSome of the most noticeable signs of a clogged sewer line are gurgling noises or foul smells emanating from drains. These unusual sounds and smells can occur due to a blockage in the line that prevents the proper flow of water and sewage. If homeowners hear gurgling sounds in the drains or smell unpleasant odors permeating the home or from the drains, they should contact a plumber to clear the line of any clogs.

Several factors can contribute to sewer line clogs, including the buildup of grease, soap scum, hair, food debris, and foreign objects in the pipes. Tree roots infiltrating the sewer line can also cause blockages, as roots seek out sources of moisture and nutrients, infiltrating cracks or joints in the pipes and impeding the flow of wastewater. Dealing with these problems quickly can help prevent additional complications and sewer line problems. 

Water or Sewage Backups

Another telltale sign of a clogged sewer line is the occurrence of backed-up drains or toilets in the home. If homeowners notice water or sewage backing up from the sink, tub, or shower drains or toilets, a blockage is likely obstructing the normal flow of wastewater through the sewer line. The clog can cause water and waste to back up since drains and toilets are connected to the main drainage system.

Regardless of the cause of a sewer line clog, a plumber should be called to fix it and stop the sewage backup right away. Sewage and water in the home can cause water damage and be detrimental to health, so it’s important to have it cleaned and fixed immediately. 

Slow Draining 

clogged sewer lineSlow drains or standing water in sinks, tubs, or showers are also common signs of a sewer line clog. When a sewer line becomes obstructed, wastewater cannot flow freely through the pipes, resulting in sluggish drainage or the accumulation of water in plumbing fixtures. Slow draining may affect one fixture, indicating a clog in the drain line of that plumbing fixture, or it can occur throughout the home’s drains, indicating a clogged sewer line.  

The answer is the same for all of these signs of sewer line clogs. Plumbers should be called to perform drain cleaning services to clear the clog. Depending on the situation, they can choose from multiple drain cleaning methods, such as hydrojetting or drain snaking. Plumbers can also inspect the sewer line to ensure that the clog doesn’t have underlying problems or hasn’t caused pipe damage that needs repair. 

About Falcon Plumbing 

Falcon Plumbing has been serving Miami, FL, and the surrounding areas since 1986. They provide flat-rate pricing, quality workmanship, and fast service with same-day or next-day service available. Call them today for drain cleaning services in Miami, FL

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All Your Sewer Video Inspection Questions Answered


All About Sewer Camera Inspection Services

There are many ways to deal with a clog or another sewer line problem. And this is where sewer camera inspection comes in handy. It allows plumbers to get an accurate view of the problem and its extent so they can come up with the best solution to the plumbing problem. This post will answer some questions about sewer video inspection. 

What Is a Sewer Video Inspection? 

camera inspectionSewer video inspection is the process of inserting a small camera mounted at the end of a long flexible cable into the problematic section of plumbing. This is usually done to see what is happening inside the pipes and determine why the plumbing remains clogged or what other problems are occurring in the sewer line. The camera can inspect the extent of the sewer line issue, and a tracker attached to it allows plumbers to determine the exact location of the problem - how far it is from the access point and how deep it is underground.

This technology gives plumbers a minimally invasive method of inspecting what is a traditionally difficult location to access because of its location underground. It also helps professionals determine the correct course of action to take to resolve the problem. Because a visual inspection is possible before opening up the pipes, plumbers can also tell if the pipes are in good condition or if it’s necessary to conduct sewer line repair or replacement.

How Can You Tell When It’s Necessary? 

Not every plumbing issue, however, merits using sewer video inspection services. This is usually reserved for issues with the sewer line and can be requested if the following signs of sewer line problems have been observed in the home: 

  • Slow drainage - drains that take forever to clear are a definite sign of clogged sewer lines.
  • Foul odors - foul-smelling drains or standing water in the yard could be a sign of a sewage leak from a broken pipe or a clog.
  • Presence of insects - insects are often attracted to sewage, so an increased presence of insects could be because of a sewage leak.
  • Puddles or lush patches of grass - areas of the yard with puddles or more lush spots in the yard can indicate a leak or broken sewer line. 
  • Backups - water or sewage backups from drains or toilets are another sign of a clogged or crushed sewer line.

Why Is It Beneficial? 

pipeSewer video inspection is a wonderful tool when dealing with plumbing problems, especially when homeowners are faced with the possibility of extensive repairs or even sewer line replacement. Not only does video inspection have the ability to catch plumbing damage such as leaks, clogs, corrosion, and tree root infiltration before they become massive problems requiring costly solutions, but it also allows plumbers to plan the best course of action before deciding on anything that can be invasive or have the potential to create extensive damage to the property. 

With video inspection, plumbers can assess the situation before deciding whether to dig up trenches or go for trenchless repairs. Either way, video inspection takes a lot of guesswork out of the process and helps homeowners and plumbers save a ton of effort, money, and time.

About Falcon Plumbing

Falcon Plumbing has been serving Miami, FL, and the surrounding areas since 1986. They offer upfront pricing, personal attention, and quality products and materials. Call them today for sewer line repair and replacement services in Miami, FL.  

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Keep Your Garbage Disposal Working Smoothly With These Simple Maintenance Tips


Don’t Let a Broken or Clogged Garbage Disposal Ruin Your Holidays

The holidays are meant to be enjoyed. No one should have to deal with a broken or clogged garbage disposal during this season. And yet, this is precisely the scenario that many homeowners could be facing because of the many holiday gatherings that occur, threatening to overwhelm not just homeowners but their appliances and systems as well. 

If homeowners want to ensure that their garbage disposal doesn’t experience issues after that five-course dinner or holiday gathering is finished and the dishes are piled high in the sink, then read on for some easy tips to keep the garbage disposal humming along smoothly through it all. 

Don’t Get Rid of These Food Items in the Garbage Disposal

When it comes to maintaining the condition of garbage disposals, the first thing to do is to engage in preventative measures, and with garbage disposals, that usually means keeping specific foods away from the drain so that they don’t inadvertently cause the garbage disposal to clog or break. 

These food types include anything excessively oily or greasy since oil and grease can become solid in the disposal and cause it to get blocked or stall. Other kinds of food that could potentially wreak havoc in the disposal include starchy foods that absorb water and expand, such as rice and pasta, stringy and fibrous food like vegetable and fruit peels, which can get caught in the blades, and hard food debris like bones and seeds that can potentially break the blades. 

Even if food gets past the garbage disposal, that doesn’t mean that homeowners are in the clear. These foods, grease, and oil can also wreak havoc on the plumbing by forming clogs in the piping, so avoid using the garbage disposal and drain as a garbage can to prevent problems. 

Run the Disposal With Running Water and Other Tips

sinkKeeping a clean garbage disposal is another way to maintain its condition. This can be done by running the disposal with the faucet on and cold water flowing through the blades. Doing this helps dislodge any food waste that may be stuck inside. Another way to keep the blades clean and functioning properly is to run the disposal with ice cubes inside. The blades should be able to grind the ice cubes, and in the process, the ice can help dislodge any food that has gotten stuck.

Homeowners should also be wary of putting too many food scraps or too much food inside the disposal at the same time. This can overwhelm the system and cause the blades to stop functioning, creating a clog that would be difficult to clear or lead to the garbage disposal breaking. 

When in Doubt, Call the Professionals

garbage disposalWhen the disposal stops working, most people should be able to restart their units by pressing the garbage disposal reset button. However, if homeowners find themselves needing to reset the disposal more often, then there’s likely more to the problem that requires a professional to fix.

Because garbage disposals are complex home appliances, they require professional services for issues. Services such as garbage disposal installation, repair, and replacement require a plumber’s touch. So, when experiencing issues with the garbage disposal system despite a homeowner’s best efforts to prevent problems, it’s important to call a plumber.

About Falcon Plumbing

Falcon Plumbing has been serving Miami, FL, and the surrounding areas since 1986. They provide upfront pricing, personal attention, and fast same-day or next-day service. Call them today for kitchen plumbing and garbage disposal services in Miami, FL

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Signs of a Damaged Water Heater That May Need Replacement


When Is It Time to Replace the Water Heater?

Water heater damage is not always visible to the naked eye. If there are no obvious leaks or a lack of hot water, many homeowners assume their water heater is working as usual and isn’t at risk of breaking down. To prevent cold showers and a broken down water heater, homeowners should keep an eye out for signs water heater replacement is needed and not neglect it. 

Odd Smells and Appearance of Hot Water

corrosionIf the hot water coming from fixtures is discolored, cloudy looking, or has a strange odor, it may need to be replaced. A metallic smell and cloudy or rusty-looking water can be a sign of water heater corrosion. Corrosion, while common, is a serious problem for the water heater. 

Once corrosion and rust have built up over time, this may cause water to take on a reddish brown tint and odd smell. The destruction of metal from corrosion jeopardizes the entire water heater tank and can lead to frequent leaks and problems, so it often requires the water heater to be replaced.

Chilly Showers or Hot Water Runs Out Quicker

cold shower If household members must take shorter showers since hot water runs out quicker than it used to or there are any other water temperature problems, it results from water heater problems. It’s important to catch this problem early on, as neglecting these issues can cause the issue to get worse if it doesn’t need replacing already.

When water can only reach lukewarm temperatures, or there’s a decrease in hot water, it can indicate several problems with the water heater. There may be sediment buildup in the tank affecting the temperature, meaning water heater maintenance is needed, including flushing the hot water tank, or it could be a more serious problem requiring replacement. A plumber can inspect the unit and determine the best solution. 

Water Heater Is at the End of Its Lifespan or Needs Repairs Too Often 

Other signals that it’s time for water heater replacement are if it’s towards the end of its life expectancy or needs frequent repairs. When a water heater requires multiple repairs in a short period, it’s more cost-effective to replace it with a new energy-efficient water heater, especially if it’s older, as replacement will be needed soon anyway. 

Additionally, water heaters become more inefficient as they age and are more at risk of breaking down and needing replacement anyway, so it’s best to replace them before they break down entirely and the household loses hot water. Once storage water heaters are over 10 years old, it’s time to consider a replacement. On the other hand, tankless water heaters last longer, around 20 years, so replacements are needed less frequently. If it’s nearing that age, it’s time to consider a tankless water heater replacement. 

About Falcon Plumbing

Falcon Plumbing has more than 35 years of experience serving Miami Lakes and the surrounding areas. They offer upfront pricing, no extra charges for overtime work, and personal attention. Call them today for water heater installation and repair services in Miami Lakes, FL

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Is the House Haunted by a Water Hammer This Halloween?


What to Do About That Spooky Banging Sound Behind the Walls

Every house has its unique soundtrack of little noises it makes, from creaks and groans to thuds and pops. Most of these are just products of the house settling and wood contracting or expanding as temperatures change. But if loud banging or knocking sounds are coming from inside the walls or under the floors, there’s cause for concern. 

These frightful sounds aren’t caused by ghouls, ghosts, or goblins but by a slightly less terrifying phenomenon called water hammer. Apart from being annoying and downright spooky, water hammers can damage pipes and fixtures and may even indicate larger issues with the plumbing system – so this article will explain what a water hammer is, its risks, and how to get rid of it!

What Exactly Is Water Hammer?

A water hammer, also known as hydraulic shock, is a pressure surge or shockwave inside a water pipe that occurs when the water flow suddenly stops or changes direction (the technical term for this is transient flow). This usually results in a banging or knocking sound caused by the shockwave traveling through the pipe. The pipe may also rattle against any surrounding wood if it’s not tightly fastened, contributing to the noise. A water hammer is generally the culprit when anyone refers to banging or noisy pipes.

Water hammers are usually caused by a valve closing suddenly, such as the automatic valves in a washing machine or dishwasher. However, even a faucet being turned off quickly can cause a hydraulic shock. But in many cases, excessively high water pressure is at the root of the problem – if the water is moving faster and under higher pressure, more force will be behind it when it suddenly slams into a closed valve.

What Are the Dangers of Water Hammer?

water hammerApart from the irritation of noisy pipes, water hammers can cause serious issues with the plumbing system. Over time, the constant pressure surges and shockwaves can loosen pipe fittings and joints, potentially causing small leaks or even a ruptured pipe. The sudden pressure surge can even cause old or corroded pipes to burst. 

If this weren’t bad enough on its own, the resulting water damage can be extensive – not to mention expensive to clean and repair. A water hammer can also damage any valves that bear the brunt of the shockwave. This will mainly affect automatic valves that close very rapidly, such as those in washing machines, dishwashers, and toilets.

How Do the Pros Fix Water Hammer?

fixing water hammerWhen it comes to fixing water hammers, professional plumbers have a few options at their disposal. One of the first things they will do is check the home’s main water pressure regulator to see if the water pressure is at a normal level - typically somewhere between 50-70 PSI - and adjust it if necessary.

The next step is typically to see if the home’s air chambers are full of water (if the house has any). Air chambers are vertical sections of pipe in the water supply system that act as a sort of buffer, giving water somewhere to go if there’s a pressure surge. If the air chambers are full of water, they must be drained. Another water hammer fix professionals may employ is to install water hammer arrestors near potentially problematic valves. These small devices serve a similar function as air chambers, acting as cushions where sudden changes in pressure and flow occur. 

These fixes - not to mention diagnosing the cause of the water hammer - are outside the realm of DIY plumbing repair, so to make sure the issue is fully resolved and avoid damaging the plumbing system, it’s always best to leave water hammer repair to the professionals!

About Falcon Plumbing

Falcon Plumbing has over 35 years of expertise serving Miami Lakes and the surrounding areas. They provide upfront pricing with no extra charges for overtime work and personal attention. Call them today for plumbing services in Miami Lakes, FL.

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How Homeowners Can Catch Water Leaks


Tips to Catch Leaks and Prevent More High Water Bills 

Quick leak detection is vital to home maintenance, whether it’s a subtle leak under the kitchen sink or a geyser shooting from the toilet. However, many water leaks won’t be that obvious. The longer a leak goes unaddressed, the more water and money it wastes, and the more water damage can occur. These problems do not fix themselves and don’t get better with time. That’s why it’s so important for homeowners to know the signs of a leak and act quickly. Here, one can learn about common signs for spotting leaks.

Know the Signs of a Leak 

Some signs that can indicate a leak include: 

  • Mold growth: Mold grows where there’s water and moisture and can cause respiratory problems and other health issues.  
  • Poor water pressure: If a leak interrupts the flow of water, it can affect the water pressure of showerheads and faucets.  
  • The sound of running water: If no faucet, showerhead, or other water-using fixture or appliance is on, a homeowner shouldn’t hear running water. If they do, this could mean there’s a leak. 

Time is of the essence when finding and fixing a leak. A leak wastes more than just water; it can damage personal property, saturate drywall, and attract rodents. As soon as signs of a leak are noticed, a plumber should be called to locate and repair the leak. 

High Water Bills Indicate Leaks 

billBecause leaks waste water, higher than normal water costs without a change in water usage indicates there’s a leak. Even tiny leaks like a dripping faucet can waste a lot of water and money. When there’s a leak, homeowners may find themselves spending even more, not just on water bills but from the secondary consequences of a leak, including: 

  • Mold remediation 
  • Replacing soggy or damaged flooring
  • Repairing water damage to the home’s foundation 
  • Controlling humidity with a dehumidifier 

Nobody wants to spend more money than they have to. That’s why when a homeowner suspects they have a leak, they should consult a professional immediately to prevent additional costs and damage to the home. 

Check the Reading on the Water Meter 

water meterThe water meter is an essential tool that lets homeowners know how much water passes into the plumbing system. Some water meters measure water by the gallons, while others measure by the cubic foot. It depends on the house's age and the water meter itself. 

Whenever somebody flushes the toilet or washes their hands, the number increases. So, if a homeowner is concerned about a leak, they can use their water meter to check for it. Here’s how to use a water meter to check for leaks: 

  • Turn off the water main or stop using any water-using devices or fixtures
  • Write down the number on the water meter 
  • Wait around an hour without using any water  
  • Check the reading on the water meter again to see if there’s a change

If the number has increased without the household using any water, this means that a leak is causing water to be wasted, and a plumber should be called. 

About Falcon Plumbing 

Falcon Plumbing has over thirty years of experience serving Miami and the surrounding areas. They offer flat-rate pricing and personal attention and never take shortcuts or cut corners. Call them today for water leak detection and repair services in Miami, FL.

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Understanding the Threat of Backflow in Plumbing


Everything Homeowners Need to Know About Backflow and Prevention

As a society, people place a lot of trust in engineering. Even with all the advances in the plumbing infrastructure that have made safe water cheap and accessible, there are still continuing threats to the safety and cleanliness of the water homeowners use daily. 

Backflow is a plumbing problem that can cause water contamination and threaten public health. The good news is backflow prevention devices and practices are in place in every home and business. However, property owners may not understand the massive consequences when they fail and the importance of testing them. This article is a quick guide to inform people about backflow, backflow prevention, and their responsibility to help keep the water grid clean with backflow testing

Understanding Backflow 

Backflow occurs any time water flows through a pipe in a direction not originally intended. Most often, it is caused by water line breaks or industrial demand that quickly causes the flow to change direction due to siphoning. When this occurs, a vacuum can form at points of use in the plumbing system, wherein pollutants can be sucked into freshwater piping. 

From the treatment facility to the tap in a home, the water pipes are sealed to protect treated water. Anytime a foreign contaminant is allowed inside, it can contaminate the entire water supply. In order to prevent this, backflow preventers are installed at vulnerable points in the water grid and plumbing system, ensuring regulations and codes are followed. 

Preventing Backflow 

back flowWhen backflow occurs in piping, it causes people to be exposed to harmful chemicals, contaminated groundwater, and human waste. Preventing backflow is every property owner's responsibility, including installing and maintaining backflow prevention devices and methods. 

Backflow preventers are special devices fitted to pipes and methods like air gaps that act as a check valve, only allowing water to flow in one direction. In homes and businesses, they are usually installed on the service entrance for the water line and on irrigation systems. If homeowners are unaware of backflow preventers on their property, they should call a plumber to locate it and look for problems. 

Testing Backflow Preventers 

back flowSince backflow preventers are essential for keeping the water clean and free from contamination, they must be tested regularly to ensure they are operating correctly. When backflow preventers are present on a property, it is required for them to be tested annually by a licensed plumber. 

A plumber who is a certified backflow tester has special training and experience, allowing them to perform backflow testing and certification services. They will repair or replace any backflow prevention devices they find an issue with to give homeowners peace of mind their drinking water is safe. 

About Falcon Plumbing

Falcon Plumbing has over 30 years of experience serving Miami and the surrounding areas. They offer same-day or next-day service, upfront pricing, and quality workmanship. Call them today for backflow testing and certification in Miami, FL.

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A Beginner's Guide to Slab Leaks


What Every Homeowner Should Know About Slab Leaks

No one wants to deal with a plumbing issue in their home. Sometimes homeowners ignore things because it seems easier than dealing with the problem. Unfortunately, this may end up causing more damage and lead to a plumbing emergency. Slab leaks are one such problem. They are often difficult to detect and can cause significant damage if not dealt with. This blog will discuss slab leaks, their dangers, and how professional plumbers can fix them

What is a Slab Leak?

A slab is a concrete foundation that supports a building structure. It lies beneath the structure's floors and usually extends several feet below ground level. A slab leak is a water leak that occurs in the plumbing pipes underneath this concrete foundation. These leaks are typically caused by corrosion of the lines or a poor connection between two pipe sections. 

Diagnosis of slab leaks is difficult due to their location beneath the concrete. Early signs of a potential slab leak include discoloration of walls or floors, a musty odor in the home, unusual sounds from the plumbing system when no water is being used, and an unexpected increase in the water bill. If any of these signs are noticed, call a professional plumber for inspection immediately. Taking action early on can help avoid more costly repairs down the road.

The Negative Effects of Slab Leaks

saveSlab leaks can lead to various consequences for homeowners, some more serious than others. Like any leak, a slab leak wastes water and can cause high water bills. Slab leaks can also cause significant damage if left unchecked, leading to flooding and water damage in the structure above the slab and costly repairs. 

Water from the leak can seep into walls and flooring, creating unsightly mold growth, warping wood floors, and causing other structural damage. So, in addition to higher water costs, slab leaks can cause expensive repairs and cleanups due to the structural and water damage they can cause. If left unchecked, this moisture can lead to the growth of mold, which is a serious health hazard.

Slab Leak Detection and Repair Services

detectionAn inexperienced homeowner cannot deal with slab leaks. It is a job for professionals. They have special tools and equipment, allowing them to detect leaks and perform slab leak repair safely and efficiently. Professionals use advanced technology such as electronic amplifiers, acoustic listening devices, and pressure testing to locate cracks or leaks in the concrete foundation beneath a home. 

Once the leak has been identified, they can recommend the most effective solution to repair it. Repair methods vary based on the severity and type of leak. They may excavate and replace the damaged part of the pipe or use epoxy pipe liners to seal the broken line. A professional will ensure the slab leak is handled, preventing further damage.

About Falcon Plumbing

Falcon Plumbing has over 30 years of experience serving Miami residents and the surrounding areas. They provide upfront pricing, same-day service, and personal attention. Call them today for slab leak repair services in Miami, FL

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